Our Mission
Our vision is that every church in Pennsylvania and South Jersey would be a healthy, multiplying church. Within God's Kingdom, every person, pastor, and church has a next step that God desires for them. The Baptist Resource Network (BRN) desires to help Assess (discover your current reality), Assist (determine your next step), Activate (implement your next step), and Advance (help others with their current reality) each church in our network. As we seek to service and resource churches, we recognize that churches are at different stages in their lifecycle: birth, growth, decline, and even death. The BRN comes alongside churches to help them restart, revitalize, restrengthen, reproduce, or reinvest into the Kingdom. We know we are successful as a network when we see the following:
- When all we do is filtered through Kingdom and Prayer: Kingdom keeps our focus on the glory of the King instead of our own fame; prayer keeps us in a humble posture before our King so that He might direct our steps.
- When we see Healthy Leaders: from leaders surviving to leaders thriving, resulting in greater vision, succession, and indigenous leadership pipelines.
- We are Kingdom centered: from church-centric to Kingdom-centric, resulting in greater church collaboration and disciple-making.
- We are Missionally Motivated: from programmatically obsessed to missionally motivated, resulting in greater missional reach and impact locally and globally.
- We are Diversely Unified: from racially ignorant to diversely unified, resulting in greater racial cooperation and collaboration.
At the end of the day, we desire healthy churches, and we will service and resource to that end. Healthy leaders + healthy filters + healthy behaviors + heathy mission = healthy churches